Auditions: Saturday, May 3rd, 2025 at 6PM
Registration for auditions is at 5:30 PM - Please arrive on time.
Callbacks: Sunday, May 4th, 2025 at 7PM
Director: Joshua Roland-Bramkamp
Musical Director: Christopher Ketcham
Choreographer: Andy Morejon

*Video Submissions are accepted no later than 24 hours before the listed audition date*
What To Prepare:
Please come to auditions prepared with 32 bars of any musical theatre song that best fits and showcases your range.
Give your audition as much character as possible!
We ask that you do not audition acapella. An accompanist will be present as well as a Bluetooth speaker.
Dress comfortably for dance portion of auditions.
Audition Day:
Registration begins at 5:30 pm on May 3rd
An audition form is required to be filled out prior to arrival (resume and headshots are optional but appreciated)
Auditions will begin at 6:00 pm
Auditions are private. Vocal auditions will be performed in front of the production team alone.
If called back, secondary auditions will take place the following day, May 4th, beginning at 7:00 pm

Tony Manero
Male - 19
Handsome, charismatic Brooklyn Italian. Ringleader of his gang of friends, The Faces. Tough guy exterior with vulnerability underneath – a “thinker,” not a “talker.” He comes alive whenever he dances. (Range: A2-G4)
Male - 19
One of the Faces. Genuine and less self-assured than the other guys. He breaks up with his high school girlfriend, Pauline at their urging, and continuously struggles with doing the right thing. Strong singer/actor who can move, Brooklyn accent. (Range: C3-A4
Male - 19
One of the Faces. A follower. Not afraid to lie to cover his own ass. Strong singer who can move, Brooklyn accent. (Range: E3-F#4)
Male - 19
One of the Faces. A charming and funny jokester and a real bruiser. Physically the toughest of the gang. Strong singer/actor with great comedic timing, who can move, Brooklyn accent. (Range: C3-F#4)
Male - 19
One of the Faces. A real “wise-guy” with possible connections. Strong singer/actor who can move, Brooklyn accent. (Range: E3-A4)
Monty - Any Age
The MC, DJ, and gatekeeper of 2001. Good-looking and charismatic with a big personality. After Tony, the coolest person in town. Strong singer who can move. (Range: B2-G4)
Frank Manero
Male - 40s - 50s
Tony’s father. An out of work construction worker who feels like the world has turned its back on him. Brooklyn accent.
Flo Manero
Female - 40s - 50s
Tony’s mother. A devout Catholic, she cares deeply for her family, and especially idolizes her son, Frank Jr. Brooklyn accent.
Frank Jr.
Male - 20s
Tony’s brother who has left the priesthood. Humble and full of good advice. A strong actor with a Brooklyn accent.
Linda Manero
Female - 15-16
Tony’s little sister. Sunny and spunky. Brooklyn accent. Linda could double in the chorus or you could just include her in some chorus numbers at 2001 as if she sneaked in with a fake ID.
Stephanie Mangano
Female - 20
(pronounced with a hard G, as in “mango”) Puts on airs to hide her Brooklyn upbringing, but every now and then a bit of the old neighborhood comes out. She may be pretentious and lack tact at times, but she is still genuinely likeable. Strong singer/actor and dancer, Brooklyn accent. (Range: Bb3-F#5)
Female - 19
Sweet and optimistic ex-girlfriend of Bobby. She is hurt by Bobby’s behavior, but there’s a larger issue that’s concerning her. Strong singer, Brooklyn accent. (Range: G3-E5)
Female - 19
Overeager to please, a “puppy-dog” with an insecure edge. Is incredibly hurt that Tony does not have feelings for her. Strong actor/singer and dancer, Brooklyn accent. (Range: F3-C5)
Female - Any
The resident singer of 2001. Sexy and confident, beloved by everybody. Strong singer/belter. She has a great deal of singing to do. (If a female is cast as MONTY, MONTY and CANDY might share the solos at 2001.) (Range: A4-G5)