Auditions Date:
Saturday, October 12th at 6PM
(Registration at 5:30PM)
Callbacks: Sunday, October 13th at 7PM
Director: Kyle Patrick Weber
Musical Director: Mariano Garcia IV
Choreographer: Danielle Karam

*Video Submissions are accepted no later than 24 hours before the listed audition date*
What To Prepare:
Please come to auditions prepared with 32 bars of any musical theatre song that best fits and showcases your range.
Give your audition as much character as possible!
We ask that you do not audition acapella. An accompanist will be present as well as a Bluetooth speaker.
Also Please Do Not Sing a song from the show.
Dress comfortably for the dance portion of auditions. Absolutely NO Flip-Flops for the dance portion of auditions
Audition Day:
Registration begins at 5:30 pm on October 12th
An audition form is required to be filled out prior to arrival (resume and headshots are optional but appreciated)
Auditions will begin at 6:00 pm
Auditions are private. Vocal auditions will be performed in front of the production team alone.
If called back, secondary auditions will take place the following day, October 13th, beginning at 7:00 pm
Seeking a female identifying actor to play the company's Head Secretary and Mr. Hart's Administrative
Assistant, she is a single mother and typically stands up for what she believes in. Attractive, strong,
Age: 40 to 50 (Vocal range: F3 to D5)
Seeking a female identifying actor to play a young, sexy spitfire who works at Mr. Hart's office. She is
proof that there is more to a woman than just her looks.
Age: 20 to 30 (Vocal range: G3 to E5)
Seeking a female identifying actor to play the "new" girl at the firm, she has been burned by her
husband's affair and is searching for personal empowerment. Insecure, determined, and hopeful.
Age: 30 to 35 (Vocal range: Ab3 to F5)
Seeking a male identifying actor to play one of the firm's executives and a notorious chauvinist. He is
capable of faking charm but usually shows his true colors as an arrogant, self-absorbed boss.
Age: 40 to 50 (Vocal range: C3 to Gb4
Seeking a female identifying actor to play the attentive office gossip queen and snitch. She has an
unrequited love for Mr. Hart and will do anything she can to win his approval.
Age: 35 to 45 (Vocal range: G3 to C5)
Seeking a male identifying actor to play a handsome, young office accountant. Genuine and nice, and
smitten with Violet.
Age: 25 to 35 (Vocal range: B2 to G4)
Seeking a male identifying actor to play Doralee's attractive husband. He is very supportive of her
professional pursuits.
Age: 25 to 30 (Vocal range: E2 to G4)
Seeking a male identifying actor to play Violet’s awkward teenage son.
Age: 15 to 18 (non-singing)
Seeking a female identifying actor to play a Franklin Hart’s wife, clueless to her husband’s true nature.
Age: 20 to 35 (non-singing)